by the way, don't forget that behaviors are reusable components too. there
can be advantages to encapsulating your hiding/showing logic in a behavior.
this can actually lead to less of this manual manipulation you're talking
about than the solution you seem to want. and because the logic is
encapsulated, it can work like a mix-in work where components don't need to
be aware of how they are being hidden and shown. this kind of decoupling can
actually be a big advantage for many problems over a simple set/isHidden
approach, which ties the component's visibility to logic embedded in the
component. i would step back and think about how you might use behaviors
here before jumping to conclusions.

Jonathan Locke wrote:
> Of course there are many good counterarguments to this. There are already
> a lot of methods in Component, you can do this without any changes and it
> may be confusing to have a concept of hidden on top of the existing
> visible concept.
> Jonathan Locke wrote:
>> Again, you probably shouldn't be setting state like this, and you can
>> create a generic hiding behavior for now that should solve most of your
>> problems. All that is at stake here is really just convenience, not the
>> programming model.
>> On the other hand, this is a very common problem so it might be worth
>> discussing adding a generic solution to component like set/isHidden().
>> The implementation would be slightly tricky and would require two more
>> flag bits, but we could detect whether isHidden was overridden in
>> component and delegate to some kind of singleton behavior. I haven't
>> thought this through very far, but you should feel free to open a JIRA
>> issue for this feature request.
>> Kirk Israel-2 wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Eelco Hillenius
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> If you wanted to just a cosmetic, DHTM/CSS "display: none" type of
>>>>> visibility, is there something you can do other than
>>>>> making a new AttributeModifier (with a custom Visibility Model kind of
>>>>> thing) or a SimplleAttributeModifier with a CSS
>>>>> "display:none" String there?
>>>> Well, if the component isn't visible (I typically override isVisible,
>>>> because there's typically an algorithm that determines whether the
>>>> component is visible), no rendering is done at all, which can save
>>>> things like database roundtrips if that component or it's children use
>>>> that, and it also often lets you avoid having to do null checks and
>>>> stuff in your models (e.g. you can depend on a model function only to
>>>> be executed when another object - the one that determines whether the
>>>> component is visible - is checked).
>>> I'm still not comfortable with "is it visible" being mixed up with "is
>>> it plain gone"...
>>> Here was my scenario, I'll tell you my error, the fix, and then I'd
>>> love to hear if there's a better way.
>>> Essentially we have a form where you can select countries, and we want
>>> to offer two different views, a flat list collection of checkboxes for
>>> all countries, and then a series of lists broken out by continent --
>>> two checkgroups w/ the same underlying model. For screen realestate
>>> reasons, the CheckGroups live in scrollable Divs, and the Checks live
>>> in a special ListView thing. So far so good. Then each of the
>>> Continents has a little summary part, a textual description of what's
>>> selected (the idea is the comma separated summary is always visible
>>> vs. the checks which might be scrolled away, and the summary can be
>>> clever and concise and say "ALL EUROPE except France, Spain") So - and
>>> I know this is a little bit of an anti-pattern - as I built each
>>> Continent I added the Summary label, and then kept a member variable
>>> list of those around, and then had the checkboxes (whether on the flat
>>> list or the by-continent list) call a function to add the summaries to
>>> the Ajax request target. What I didn't realize, when I made the
>>> by-continent view not visible and the flat list visible, and then
>>> back, the Continents actually got regenerated, with new Summary
>>> labels, and so the List was full of stale label referenes that barfed
>>> when I tried to update them.
>>> I know it's not encouraged to keep member variables of page components
>>> around, but I couldn't think of another way of getting to them...
>>> The net-net is, it seems very odd to me that "merely" switching around
>>> visibility should invalidate object references, that the complexity in
>>> actually USING the visibility outweighs the "efficiency for free", and
>>> I wish I had a simple "render this, but set its CSS visibility to
>>> hidden" switch without having to go and manually modify attributes.
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