I think everybody is missing the point that listview was intended to
refresh itself entirely (all the items) on each render not just after
a hide/show cycle.
The reason for this is that you always want an up-to-date list. If you
don't want this this behavior you can use setReuseItems(true);

Or am i missing something?


On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Kirk Israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Many people expect that is the component is not visible also the
>> models and the data ias not called or touched. Because there state
>> cant be resolved correctly.
> Still seems a little odd to me. "We're adding a component, but we're
> counting on it not to do anything. Because it's not visible.  So it's
> not really there. But we put it there anyway!"
>> Als security is depending on it, it can never be that some thing where
>> security says it is not visible/cant render that is still renders
>> data, this would be a major security hole.
> OK, this is the first time I've started to hear a reasonable
> explanations as to why visibility = absence might be useful -- to me
> it seemed like a pain, with a fair chunk of boilerplate
> (.setOutputMarkupId(true); and .setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true);)
> to get things to work correctly, and then unreliability as
> expectations of a component being ready to go (and not redrawn) aren't
> met.
> Part of it is, my main wicket experience hasn't depended on visibility
> as "security"; the main app I've been working on doesn't have like a
> "superuser" mode, permissions are mostly handled at the API layer and
> everyone gets about the same view of every screen. (And if I *did*
> have more user role based components on a single screen, I'd probably
> consider using a base class, with one subclass being the functional
> version for people with rights to see it, and one as a placeholder for
> those who don't.)
> Instead, we usually use visibility as cosmetic, something that can be
> collapsed in order to avoid visual clutter, and then expanded for a
> richer view.
> (I guess it's another angle where my CGI and not app history trips up
> a deep understanding of Wicket's; I'm used to a View as being a super
> thin thing, client side only, whereas I guess Wicket spreads a
> view-ish layer between HTML and Java, so options like "security
> through visibility" make more sense, since much of that is being done
> on the trusted server not the untrusted client.)
> Still, yeah, I'd vouch for a "isHidden" type implementation, and more
> stressing how "isVisibile()" causes things not to added. (Heck, I'd
> like to see "isVisible()" changed to "isAbsent()" to really drive home
> the point ;-)
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