On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:21 AM, richardwilko
> ok maybe i misread this :
> 'Can best be done in a limited fashion, where we only generify
> IModel but not components. I care more about what generifying can do
> for API clarity (declaring a component to only accept certain models
> for instance) than static type checking.'
> but those 2 sentences seem to contradict each other, the first says only
> generify IModel which I assumed ti mean that when you put a String into a
> model you would get a String out of it, the second seems to says
> generifiying components to make them only accept some model types.
> So just to clarify my position
> generic models which would do away with this type of casting:
> protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form)
> {
>        EmailFormModel emailFormModel = (EmailFormModel) form.getModelObject();
>        ....
> is what I would like to see.
> generic components im not bothered about.

Using generics will do away with the casting, but only if you
genericize Component.  Merely genericizing IModel won't get rid of the
casting by itself.

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