On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 12:33 +0100, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
> Alan,
> The fragment of XML from the pom that I posted IS in the Wicket  
> Quickstart generated via "mvn archetype:generate". It's also in the  
> pom when you use the helper code available here: 
> http://wicket.apache.org/quickstart.html
> Hence why it's not a hack, it's standard Maven stuff. You don't need  
> the maven war plugin to generate the default war either.

Indeed, but if you read my original post fully I wasn't asking about the
resources folder or the standard way, I was wanting them in the webapp
folder which with the default quickstart wicket pom doesn't work.

And I quote myself "Thanks for that, but that's not really my issue. How
do I make Wicket find the .html files in the __root of the war__? The
hack I have with maven at the moment properly constructs the war by
copying all the .html files into the classes folder for Wicket to find,
but maven also helpfully copies them into __the war's root__ as well
creating duplicates in the war."

As you can see my "hack" comment wasn't talking about a standard
structure hence my use of the word. My changed directory structure was
the "hack". You read "hack" and completely missed my question for
something else.

> However, since you are doing it in a non standard way then you'll need  
> the maven war plugin to assemble your war in the way you want.

Indeed! Which was the reason for my original question. The war-plugin
helpfully copies the contents of the webapp directory into the war, BUT
if you also declare the resources as per the XML fragment to point at
the webapp dir, then maven will copy the html files twice. Once into the
classes directory structure as needed by Wicket and once into the
webroot of the war as per the defaults of the war-plugin. That was my
question, how do I stop maven (further the war-plugin) or how do you
change the way Wicket loads the HTML so that I don't end up with two
copies of the same files in the war.

I may not have structure my question properly because I'm not fully
versed with maven or wicket so you must excuse my inexperience.

> You said this:
> >> Thanks for that, but that's not really my issue. How do I make Wicket
> >> find the .html files in the root of the war?
> So I gave you a link to do that.  Since your HTML files will now be in  
> a non standard location (ie not next to the classes) you will need to  
> configure your app to look in the location you desire, and that  
> information is available in the wiki link I posted:
> >> http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/control-where-html-files-are-loaded-from.html

Again, I even posted that exact same link you quoted in the email you
responded to!

> All of this information is readily available; first search item for  
> the configuration, quickstart for pom.

Well I must be not looking right, because it wasn't really apparent to

I'm going to go with Luther's suggestion and use the default resources
folder to make what I need to happen happen. That way there is no
messing about with modifications to Wicket and no clumsy fiddling with
maven to move files into and out of weird directory structures.

Thanks anyway,

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