Hey guys,

I know this is an unusual question for this list, but I was hoping
that I could get some viewpoints and info about something.  I recently
interviewed for a job opportunity at a company that runs their core
app, comprised of both web interface and web services, in a cool niche
that I would like to work in.

Also the company seems very cool over all.  It's a nice size, a small
development team, and the guys I met seemed really good.

The big problem is that I'd be working mostly in ColdFusion.  When
they told me that in the initial, pre-interview email, I thought jeez
is anybody using that still.  I had never had any hands-on experience
with it, so I spent the weekend with a decent book working through
some exercises on my laptop.  What I found was that my initial
impression was, "this language sucks, it is a pain to use."  I admit
this is only after spending about 3 days with CF and I really didn't
go into it with my mind wide open.

So, my question would be, if anyone here has experience with CF, is it
really as bad as it seems?  As someone with a passionate, nearly
religious fondness of Wicket, will I hate every minute of CF as much
as I fear I might?  Is there any chance that after trying to accept
some of the things I already don't like that I will find that I can
still enjoy programming a cool product even if the underlying system

Thanks for any info/thoughts!

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