Am 22.06.2011 20:18, schrieb Martin Grigorov:

1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
header? This should only be used as a last resort...

Thanks, there's a lot of useful information in that ticket.

2) I'd like to @Inject OSGi services into Wicket components using an
IComponentInstantiationListener - is there a ready-to-go extension I
could use?
Yes. See how wicket-spring and wicket-guice use wicket-ioc
There is also wicket-javaee at

Yeah I know, but Spring is not OSGi.

what do you mean ? you re-wrote wicket-spting ? why ?

No of course I didn't. I adapted wicket-spring to use the standard @Inject annotation instead of @SpringBean. I never use @Autowired or other non-standard annotations when I can avoid it.

also there is wicket-seam at github which integrates with CDI

Seam is not CDI. wicket-seam has too many transitive dependencies on stuff I don't need. I'm using a modified version of org.wamblee.cdi - see


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