On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Harald Wellmann
<harald.wellm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I'm currently trying to build an OSGi Enterprise stack using Wicket and
> Apache Aries, and I have a couple of questions and suggestions:
> 1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
> header? This should only be used as a last resort...

because the OSGI spec does not handle serialization.

wicket serializes a page that has a reference to component from bundle B
later, wicket deserializes the page, it needs to deserialize component
that came from bundle B so it needs access to the classloader from
bundle B.


> 2) I'd like to @Inject OSGi services into Wicket components using an
> IComponentInstantiationListener - is there a ready-to-go extension I
> could use?
> 3) If not, would it be a good idea to create a wicket-osgi extension as
> part of Wicket or Wicketstuff?
> Regarding 1), I would assume that wrapping the bundle class loader
> of the user's application in an IClassResolver and registering it in
> Application.init() would do the trick, or doesn't it?
> As for 2) and 3), I wrote similar bridges both for CDI and Spring, building
> on wicket-ioc, so I do have an idea of what it takes, but of course I don't
> want to reinvent the wheel.
> Best regards,
> Harald
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