Am 22.06.2011 20:23, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Harald Wellmann
<> wrote:
I'm currently trying to build an OSGi Enterprise stack using Wicket and
Apache Aries, and I have a couple of questions and suggestions:
1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
header? This should only be used as a last resort...
because the OSGI spec does not handle serialization.
wicket serializes a page that has a reference to component from bundle B
later, wicket deserializes the page, it needs to deserialize component
that came from bundle B so it needs access to the classloader from
bundle B.
If the page class in bundle A directly references the component class C
from bundle B (and not just an interface or base class of B from another
bundle X), then the bundle class loader of A can load class C by delegation.
If C is not a component class but the type of a field in a component
injected from the service layer (just like an EJB, but in this case it's
an OSGi service obtained from the service registry), then you can
replace the object by a reference, e.g. a service filter, on
serialization and reinject the object on deserialization - isn't that
just what wicket-ioc is doing?
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