Yes, but how would that affect other projects that do expect the CSS to be
applied to the LI or SPAN?
Come to think about it, I could very simple replace the content of both with
my own panels right?

I think this is a project specific requirement and as such should be handled
by extending from Wicket's code and adjusting the behavior as per the
specific project requirements thus I don't see a real need for WICKET-4831
"Split custom CSS for Feedback message (list and label)".

If that's the case, then I should start flooding the wicket Jira queue with
all the specific needs for my own projects.

I only gave an example of how one can have full control with little code :)

 ~ Thank you,
    Paul Bors

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Meier [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: Custom CSS for Feedback message is broken in 1.5

The point is that he does *not* want getCSSClass() to be applied to the


On 10/24/2012 12:24 AM, Paul Bors wrote:
> There is nothing stopping you from extending from the FeedBackPanel 
> and override the HTML the Wicket component is using.
> This is how we did it.
> The HTML:
> <html xmlns:wicket="";>
>      <wicket:panel>
>          <div wicket:id="feedbackul" class="feedbackMessages">
>              <div wicket:id="messages">
>                  <span wicket:id="message">[Feedback message(s)]</span>
>              </div>
>          </div>
>      </wicket:panel>
> </html>
> And the Java:
> import;
> import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel;
> public class MyFeedbackPanel extends FeedbackPanel {
>      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
>      public MyFeedbackPanel (String id) {
>          this(id, null);
>      }
>      public MyFeedbackPanel (String id, IFeedbackMessageFilter filter) {
>          super(id, filter);
>          setOutputMarkupId(true);
>      }
> }
> Our application wide CSS:
> .feedbackMessages {
>      padding-left: 0;
>      padding-top: 0;
>      text-align: left;
>      margin-left: 0;
>      margin-top: 0;
>      padding-bottom: 1em;
> }
> .feedbackMessages div {
>      padding: 0.5em;
>      font-size: xx-small;
>      border: none;
> }
> .feedbackMessages div.feedbackPanelERROR {
>      background-color: lightsalmon;
>      border: 1px solid darkred;
> }
> .feedbackMessages div.feedbackPanelWARNING {
>      background-color: #FFB90F;
>      border: 1px solid darkgoldenrod;
> }
> .feedbackMessages div.feedbackPanelINFO {
>      background-color: lightgreen;
>      border: 1px solid darkgreen;
> }
> This code was written for Wicket 1.3.x and migrated to 1.5.x w/o any 
> changes (we're not yet up to 6.x).
> ~ Thank you,
>    Paul Bors
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alec Swan []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 6:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Custom CSS for Feedback message is broken in 1.5
> Sebastien, List, ListItem and Label make sense to me and match the 
> terms used in FeedbackPanel class. However, I try not to get too hung 
> up on naming for the sake of making progress :)
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Sebastien <> wrote:
>> Alec, you are right, I did thought about that.
>> My reflection was that getListCSS applies to list *element* (li) and 
>> it is quite easy to understand that getLabelCSS (which applies to the
>> label) stands for the message itself (which is a span element).
>> But in another hand we can imagine that these naming are related to 
>> wicket
>> *component* instead; so, it is true that it would technically best to 
>> have getListItemCSS (applies to ListItem) and getLabelCSS (applies to
> Label).
>> But what if the user overrides #newMessageDisplayComponent and return 
>> something other than a Label? A Panel for instance? Maybe getLabelCSS 
>> appears to not be logical anymore in this context: we have a 
>> getListItemCSS which still applies to a ListItem and a getLabelCSS 
>> which applies to... a Panel.
>> In another hand (again), we can also imagine that the HTML markup is 
>> getting "overridden" (while extending FeedbackPanel), li and span 
>> elements may have been replaced by other elements (2 divs for 
>> instance)... So getListCSS may also not be logical in this context, 
>> and would have better been getContainerCSS or something like that...
>> Not easy to find right naming; its a kind of Ouroboros* ** discussion 
>> in this case...
>> But at the end, will the user better understand getListCSS or 
>> getListItemCSS? Also, is getLabelCSS the best? What about getMessageCSS?
>> That's all open questions... I wish you a good night with that! ;) 
>> Sebastien
>> *
>> ** I am pretty sure this term has previously been used in this 
>> mailing list but I don't remember who... So there is a credit for 
>> someone somewhere :)
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Alec Swan <> wrote:
>>> Technically it should be getListItemCSS, not getListCSS. Or maybe 
>>> have all three getListCSS, getListItemCSS and getLabelCSS
>>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Sebastien <> wrote:
>>>> Done,
>>>> Please let me know if your encounter any issue (wrong base code for
>>>> instance) or if you have any questions...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sebastien.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Sven Meier <> wrote:
>>>>> Please open a Jira issue and provide a patch as you suggested.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sven
>>>>> On 10/21/2012 01:06 AM, Sebastien wrote:
>>>>>> Sven,
>>>>>> If you agree to have two methods: getListCSSClass and 
>>>>>> getLabelCSSClass (which apply respectively on li and span), and 
>>>>>> mark getCSSClass as deprecated (until marked as private), then 
>>>>>> the path is ready for branch wicket-1.5.x. I am waiting for your 
>>>>>> go-ahead to send the patch
>>> somewhere
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> submit the pull request on github.
>>>>>> If you do not agree, please tell me what I can do.
>>>>>> Thanks & best regards,
>>>>>> Sebastien.
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