roberto colferai wrote:
> First of all I want say Hello to all the community. 
> I'm newbie of XWiki and wiki in general; I'm trying to start a enterprise
> wiki and I choose XWiki after many consideration.
> To create a clean and organized wiki I want give to the users the
> possibility of create page starting from some template. 
> Previously, I use PbWiki and this platform offer some template by default,
> like:
> - blank template
> - meeting (to schedule meetings)
> - press release
> - project
> - to do list
> and so on.
> I have see the 
> that explain that purpose, but what I want to do is offer to the users a
> choice from a list of templates to start from.
> Have you some help to me?
> Thank you

We're planning to do something like this in the future by default, but 
not very soon.

A way to implement this now is to:
- create the templates as wiki documents
- create a redirector page that accepts two URL parameters, document 
name and template name, and does a redirect with: 
$response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($request.documentName, 'edit', 
- create a panel with a text input field for the document name and a 
select (drop down) list for choosing from the templates, which submits 
these fields to the redirector page from above

The above redirect works like this:
- 'edit' will display the document in edit mode (works well for 
unstructured wiki documents); you can use 'inline' for structured 
(form-based) documents.
- the "template=" parameter instructs the wiki to use another document 
as a template for the edited document.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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