
made something similar not using a redirect page but the copy function and
adapted the code provided here


First question:

Whats the better way to create pages per template? (copy or redirect)

With that code all users need programming rights to create pages as copies
from templates, is that an error in the code and is that different with the
redirect page.


Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
> roberto colferai wrote:
>> Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
>>> roberto colferai wrote:
>>>> cut > 
>>> We're planning to do something like this in the future by default, but 
>>> not very soon.
>>> A way to implement this now is to:
>>> - create the templates as wiki documents
>>> - create a redirector page that accepts two URL parameters, document 
>>> name and template name, and does a redirect with: 
>>> $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($request.documentName, 'edit', 
>>> "template=${request.templateName}"))
>>> - create a panel with a text input field for the document name and a 
>>> select (drop down) list for choosing from the templates, which submits 
>>> these fields to the redirector page from above
>>> The above redirect works like this:
>>> - 'edit' will display the document in edit mode (works well for 
>>> unstructured wiki documents); you can use 'inline' for structured 
>>> (form-based) documents.
>>> - the "template=" parameter instructs the wiki to use another document 
>>> as a template for the edited document.
>> Sergiu, thank you for your answer and for your speed!
>> I have IT experienc from twenty years ago but only in mainframe host
>> system
>> (ibm-cobol-db2) and I have some difficult to understand completely how
>> you
>> tell.
>> I try to show you if I understand.
>> 1) create the templates making one wiki-page for every templates (es. pag
>> template1, template2 etc)
>> 2) create a redirect page that, I think, every users never see but works
>> "hide". How can I make it? How can I make a page that accepts two URL
>> parameters?
>> 3) create a panel (Is like create a page? I think no but I don't know
>> exatly
>> what is panel in this world). Is possibile make it with normal edit-mode
>> or
>> is an activity for developer? In this case what kind of skill I must
>> find?
>> Java programmer is enough?
> In XWiki, "everything is a document". And in a document you can have 
> plain text, wiki formatting, HTML markup, and scripting. The default and 
> recommended scripting language is Velocity, a really small programming 
> language, backed up by the XWiki API, which provides access to the data 
> model, the current request/response, and to other important 
> functionalities. This forms the unstructured part of a document. On top 
> of it, wiki documents can contain a data type definition (like a blog 
> post, an access right rule, a comment, etc), and instances of different 
> such structured data. Combining structured and unstructured data with 
> scripts you can obtain in-wiki applications, like the ones you can find 
> on http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/
> The templates will be regular wiki document, with the content reflecting 
> the predefined information you want to see in your documents. If you 
> want more advanced functionalities you can define data types and instead 
> of unstructured content you can make full-fledged applications, but this 
> is harder to master.
> The redirect page is another wiki document that contains as text exactly 
> the line of code that I wrote above. Of course, this is the quick and 
> dirty version, without any error handling, like missing or malformed 
> arguments.
> The panel is a structured document, you can easily create one by going 
> to the Panels space and fill in the name of the new panel in the little 
> form that's in there, and look (edit) at the other panels for examples.
> There's no need for an advanced java programmer, as our goal is to make 
> application development as easy as possible (we're not quite there yet, 
> but close enough).
> I know we lack detailed tutorials, but we're busy on the implementation 
> with little time for documentation. You can advance by:
> - looking at the other documents in the wiki, the examples on 
> http://code.xwiki.org/, the guides from 
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/ and the tutorials 
> from http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/Tutorials
> - looking at the Velocity documentation (velocity.apache.org) and our 
> javadoc for the API ( 
> http://maven.xwiki.org/site/xwiki-core-parent/xwiki-core/apidocs/com/xpn/xwiki/api/package-summary.html
> )
> - posting questions on IRC or the users mailing list
> - getting payed support from www.xwiki.com (the best way to support 
> XWiki and its development)
> -- 
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
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