
Thanks fort he reply.

Yes, I am looking for a "team-task-manager-thing" - therefore I am using the 
TaskManagerApplication yet.  If the intention of the ToDo is different than I 
am still looking for the "Wanted Applications -> Work Order Management" 

It pretty fine and easy to link a ToDo to a parent page.  The disadvantage is a 
huge number of pages within the tree.  I do not know the XWike design 
principles in detail.  Therefore I couldn't suggest simply the parent relation 
or a specific link.  From the functional point of view:  I'd like to have a 
local view for the thinks to be done on a specific area / page / process ... 
and the global view "who is involved / assigned on which issue".

List all by ... Ses, the ToDo.WebHome is doing that.

Create a ToDo based on a sequential number within a space:  Having a lot of 
ToDos needs numbering it.  That's the main request.  And it would be fine to a 
have different groups for different spaces (10000 - 19999 for ToDos within 
space XYZ, 20000 - 29999 for ToDos within space ABC).

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@xwiki.org [mailto:users-boun...@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of M 
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:45 AM
To: users@xwiki.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Extended ToDo Application

On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 09:42 +0200, Michael Beetz wrote: 
> Hi all,


> The Extended ToDo Application seams to be the more active application (than 
> the Task Manager Application).  Is there any way to add these nice features 
> to that application too?
> -          "create a todo linked to a page"

you mean like having a wiki page as the todo's parent (a la TaskManager)
or making reference to another wiki page in the todo's body?

> -          "list all todos by page / by assignee / by reporter"

doesn't Todo.WebHome already do that (except for the 'reporter' bit)?
does your todo table look different from the one in the screenshot?

judging from an earlier post by you, you seem to be using the
ExtendedTodoApplication as a team-task-manager-thing, that's not the
intended purpose, it's more of a personalised todo list, i'm even
thinking of removing the 'assignee' propriety and limiting todo access
to the original reporter (ideas?)

> -          "create a todo having a sequential number within a space"

can you give me an example for that? 

M Rawash

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