On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 17:30, stefan bachert <stefanbach...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> to translate texts into a more correct german I extracted 
> ApplicationResources_de.properties to WEB_INF/lib.
> This seems to work. I am willing to share this with others, however, it would 
> took days when I am using the i10n.xwiki.org facility.
> However, some translation I did not found. One of them comes up when trying 
> to login.
> In the last line of the dialog the texts are still in english "Forgot your 
> username or password".
> This text is NOT part of the property file.
> Where is the place to translate this texts?

You don't have it in the ApplicationResources_de.properties because no
translation has been provided for it. The place to translate any text
in always http://l10n.xwiki.org, i doubt you can't find the right keys
in it.

> Stefan Bachert
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