Many thanks Marius!! Although I sent this email a long time ago what 
seems now??

I got round this by using html tables:

<table align="right" border="1" cellspacing="100">

Central alignment doesn't work for some reason but left and right align 
do work fine however!!

Many thanks for the link. I will be sure to check it out soon.....



On 24/08/2010 11:32, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
> Hi Kaya,
> On 08/09/2010 06:23 PM, Kaya Saman wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> finally after managing to get XWiki installed on my FreeBSD system I am
>> trying to create a tree where information will go under according to the
>> specific type and heading:
>> Basically what I'm after it this:
>> Main ->   Howto's ->   FreeBSD
>>                                    Solaris
>>                                    OpenSolaris
>>                                    Linux
>> So far I managed to get the desired affect by: creating a new space
>> called Howto's and then linking in the rest of the items as pages
>> spanning downwards from the main root in the tree.... is this correct or
>> can I created spaces within spaces??
>> Also I am wondering how to centrally align a table? I have attempted the
>> following syntax as I couldn't find any graphic buttons on the editor to
>> perform the task:
> The buttons to align text are disabled by default, but you can enable
> them easily by following
> (let
> me know is something is not clear enough).
> Now, even if you enable the align tool bar, you still won't be able to
> center the table, because the alignment will affect the table cells and
> not the table itself. In order to center the table you have to :
>> (% style="table-align=center" %)
> (% style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto" %)
> Hope this helps,
> Marius
>> |[[[[image:freebsdlogo2.png||alt="freebsdlogo.png" style="display:
>> block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="400"]]>>FreeBSD]]
>>     |[[[[image:logomed2.jpg||alt="logomed.jpg" style="display: block;
>> margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="400"]]>>Linux]]
>> |[[[[image:solarislogo2.png||alt="solarislogo.png" height="208"
>> style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
>> width="400"]]>>Solaris]]|[[[[image:OpenSolarisLogo2.gif||alt="OpenSolarisLogo.gif"
>> style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
>> width="400"]]>>OpenSolaris]]
>> This however doesn't work as the table is still left aligned???
>> Any advise is much appreciated as I am struggling to find much
>> documentation on this wiki at all and what is around seems to be really
>> lean. If I manage to get as far as creating what I want with a custom
>> look then I will definitely create a manual on it as that's my intention
>> for the WiKi in the first place!!
>> Many thanks,
>> Kaya
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