On 09/08/2011 04:52 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
>> What is considered the best way to use photos published on flickr (or any 
>> media storing and sharing source) in the XWiki
>> a) through the image button in the Rich Text editor, so it can be done 
>> without coding, macro's
>> b) a macro that you can call from the button strip in the rich text editor
>> There used to be a Flickr integration on the XWiki extensions, but they only 
>> work in syntax 1.0
> You can use the RSS macro as is shown here:
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/RSS+Macro
> (check the example I added a flickr exampleà
> What would be great would be to contribute a flickr macro making it even 
> easier to use. It's really easy to write.

There are also a few deprecated velocity macros, moved recently into 
deprecatedMacros.vm, which display photos from a flickr RSS stream.

>> It would be great if you can also used secured photos on flickr through safe 
>> links. User must login to XWiki, but can see foto's in flickr although when 
>> going directly
>> to flickr that user could not see the photo's
>> Today we are uploading photo's two times; once to flickr and once to XWiki, 
>> where the metadata in flickr is much richer; title, description, geotag, 
>> dat/time
>> We would like to replace that with a much more integrated approach; upload 
>> once see everywhere.
>> If other foto-sharing services are better integrated with XWiki platform, we 
>> are willing to look at these (Picasa, Facebook, ...) and migrate our photo's 
>> to these services
>> Gerritjan

Sergiu Dumitriu
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