Sure, glad to help!

Most of magic variables come from the Makefile workflow in uhd-fpga
(suggest doing some greps in both uhd-fpga/usrp3/tools/make and

The OOT_DIR is a magic variable that's passed to the OOT directory, and it
lets the Makefiles resolve relative pathing issues. The tools should wrap this correctly when generating FPGA
images. It's not exactly the cleanest interface, since it requires a ":="
operation in the OOT Makefile. I'm definitely open to other suggestions,
but it's worked well for me so far.

Hope to see your OOT FPGA blocks :D

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 2:23 PM, Brian Padalino <> wrote:

> Hey EJ,
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 6:27 AM, EJ Kreinar <> wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> There's a supported method to include OOT repos that can build and
>> include xilinx IP (or basically any other IP that you need, including HLS.
>> I've yet to try it with sysgen blocks, but that would probably work too).
>> Basically you can use or to
>> include a from an OOT repo, rather than copying the text from
>> the Makefile.srcs.
>> See my repo here for a minimal basic example:
>> k43/rfnoc-ootexample
>> There's also an open source FPGA polyphase channelizer OOT module that
>> uses this approach:
>> Good luck! Let me know if this helps
> This is exactly what I was looking for.  Now, is there anything that
> defines these magic variables used in the  Things like
> OOT_DIR, LIB_IP_XCI_SRCS, TOOLS_DIR, etc?  There's a lot of magic going
> on in those Makefiles and the environment in general it seems.
> For now, though, this looks like it will work perfectly.
> Thanks,
> Brian
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