On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Sasha Pachev wrote:
> Would you financially support an organization that 99% of the time does
> something you are strongly opposed to? If yes, then you are confused about
> life, but for a different reason :-)
> If you financially support ACLU, you must agree with their cause or you
> would not do it. And if so, you are indeed confused. Their version of
> freedom is freedom to do evil - do drugs, drink alcohol, publish and view
> pornography, fornicate, and live in an environment free of any hint of
> religious restraint. I have never seen them do anything else except defend
> the lasciviousness that they call freedom. If you support them, you do not
> see the harm they do, and it is a mistake to write it off as just another
> "different belief".

Now now, I just spent quite a while compiling a list of headlines that seemed
pretty worthwhile to me.  Perhaps you could visit their press release page:


And list up to 1% of the press releases you don't think are Evil.  We'll
assume you find the other 99% evil.  You can even list exceptions which you
feel have been spun to appear non-evil.

(It's totally fine with me if you don't support the ACLU, but I'll at least
keep you honest on the math.)


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