On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Stuart Jansen <sjan...@buscaluz.org>wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 10:55 -0600, Andrew McNabb wrote:
> > By the way, would anyone be interested in talking about how to backup
> > your DVDs to your hard drive?  This could include the basics like dd,
> > libdvdcss, ffmpeg, and graphical tools, along with a discussion of how
> > to deal with ARccOS protection.
> >
> > Would this be more or less useful than some of the other things on the
> > list?
> More! I want to know the proper way to backup my DVDs.

For starters, I'd check out k3b - both it's dvd copying and compression are
pretty useful.
For CLI, I'd check out vobcopy, which strips the audio and video directly
off the disc.
If you want to do any transcoding, at least one of mencoder or ffmpeg
support direct copying of one of the streams while compressing the other -
allowing for identical video, but compressed audio, or vice versa.  This can
be useful if you don't care about keeping dolby digital streams (a52), etc.

Now what I want to know more about is video /editing/ - cinelerra has a
trouble with avis (plus its interface is weird), while avidemux has serious
limitations outside of adding effects, imo.

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