On 04/15/2010 08:52 PM, Andrew McNabb wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 08:47:44PM -0500, Timothy Wood wrote:
>> I just have a couple questions.  How would I go about joining?
> You've joined.  Welcome. :)
> If you want to vote, create an account at uug.byu.edu, but other than
> that, just join in on the mailing list and come to meetings.
>> How often do you meet?  What do you guys do as a club?
> It's supposed to be twice a month, but Topher's a little behind right
> now. :)
Wait aren't we forgetting the initiation rites?

You must run throughout the Wilk in clothes laden with sequins arranged 
from no less than 5 different distribution CDs (current or past versions 
are acceptable), while alternately praising open source, and chanting in 
binary.  You may substitute sitting/staffing a UUG club 
promotion/install-fest booth for running through the Wilk, but the rest 
is still mandatory.


You and a small group of friends must dress as ninjas and surround 
Richard Stallman at a public conference of your choosing.  Assign one 
ninja to record video of you challenging Richard to a "Free Software 
Song" sing-off, and the resulting impromptu performance.  Give the 
resulting content to Stuart Jansen to present at the next UUG meeting.


Install the distribution of your choice on the family computer.  Claim 
the daemons made you do it.  Dualboot and prior backups are optional, 
depending on your tolerance for mortal peril.  Write about  the 
experience and post it to the UUG mailing list, and at least one other 
general-public forum (The Daily Universe, KSL, SL Tribune, Time 
Magazine, etc.)


Some other activity to prove your metal, and at least as entertaining as 
the aforementioned.  Such activity must be approved in advance from the 
club leadership.  Approval is of course, easier to obtain if you 
volunteer for service in a club leadership position.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your previous Ubuntu install 
experience, you may have partially completed option 3.  Go getem' tiger!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.  It will be held 
sometime in the near to distance future.  Unless it isn't.  In which 
case it won't.  Be sure to bring your secret handshake and SSL decoder ring.

;-Daniel Fussell

BYU Unix Users Group 

The opinions expressed in this message are the responsibility of their
author.  They are not endorsed by BYU, the BYU CS Department or BYU-UUG. 
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