My vote (and my co-workers) vote is for Emacs as the best editor/Operating
System.  I have reasons:

1. I know it.
2. Bash, by default has Emacs Keybindings for deleting, inserting, etc, so
at the very least, learning the common keybindings is useful.
3.  Tramp.  Remotely editing files over SSH is teh awesome.
4.  Lisp!  Where else can you get Dr. Scheme's ugly older brother to bash
your head in after CS330?  Nowhere!

As for the speed argument,  I don't care, but I will mention that I
successfully ran emacs on a toshiba e310 pocket pc with a  206MHz Strong Arm
Processor and 64 (or 32?) MB ram back in 2003.  Topher might remember that
sin against nature (and the list!)

-David Litster, vagrant.

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Daniel Fussell <> wrote:

> On 04/20/2010 04:49 PM, Joshua Lutes wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Matthew Gardner<>
>  wrote:
> >
> >> It appears that we are now at:
> >> Vim: 6
> >> Emacs: 2
> >> with two fence-sitters.  I think that should tell you which is better.
> >>
> > Matt!  The only thing a survey tells you is what other people think.
> > Who cares what other people think?
> >
> >
> Your right, it's all about what I think.
> Vim: infinity
> Emacs: negative infinity
> Vim FTW!
> ;-Daniel Fussell
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