OK .. now your talking ... like Don suggested .. check the fuses ..
you might not even be getting power to the box .... and like Tyler
pointed out ... you need to check the pickup coil. The '93 has a
single pickup coil ... there is a pair of wires, (orange and black),
in a single connector that run from under the left side of the engine
... up the left side of the gas tank ... and the connector is right
behind the battery and the coils ... Look in that mess and you will
find the connector ... The side going to the pickup coil is braided
wire ... you should read around 100 ohms on this pair of wires. If
this coil is open ... the ignitor will not produce a spark, (the Howie
syndrome). Ignitors, (CDI boxes), aren't cheap ... late model ignitors
are even less cheap ... so you need to check this first.

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: CDI problem

> My '93 Max will turn over (starter trying to work) but
> doesn't get spark to the spark plugs.

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