Yes .. I thought about it ... and I don't like it ... In fact ... the last two that wouldn't fire have been '93s .. and I have a '93 ... ;>( I hope  babywyatt's problem is a pickup coil or wet plugs and not an ignitor ... not that they are a pleasure to buy either.
I know when I had my problem that I came very close to tossing the ignitor ... infact I did purchase a new one ... and still have it. My problem was due to fouled plugs from gapping too close ... as soon as the bike got flooded ... that was all she wrote ... I also saw one other post on this list where a '93 wouldn't fire .. but it was OK after drying out for a couple of days ...
I don't think I have ever seen a post where the ignitor was actually bad ........ and come to think of it ... I haven't seen anyone complain about open or swinging open pickups except for late models on this list ...... I am sure you are right ... the newer models are suffering from component cost reduction tactics ...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: CDI problem

> snip <
in my travels talking to other max owners it's the same
story the newer ones are breaking down and the
older style like mine are still functioning fine. any
thoughts on that?

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