I read around a bit and did some changes. 
Instead of using an *ObjectTemplate *directly, for wrapping the C++ object, 
I created a *FunctionTemplate *first, used *SetClassName()* and then called 
*InstanceTemplate()* to create an *ObjectTemplate *from it. All handlers 
were set on this *ObjectTemplate*. Now  the name is getting displayed for 
the returned object. :)
However, there is a catch. When I set the callback 
*SetCallAsFunctionHandler()* on the *ObjectTemplate*, it stops working and 
starts showing up as *f anonymous()*. I need this because I want to further 
call the object as a function. 
ibon, can you please check if *SetCallAsFunctionHandler()* is set for your 

Anoop R. S.

On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 10:03:11 UTC+5:30, Anoop R. S. wrote:
> Thank you for your reply, ibon.
> I am using *FunctionTemplate *to expose the keyword '*Point*'. So, it 
> will call the function registered with the *FunctionTemplate*. In that 
> function, I am using *ObjectTemplate* to wrap the C++ object and return. 
> For the *ObjectTemplate*, I am setting the handlers. (
> *v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration* and 
> *v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration*)
> I tried using *SetClassName()* on the *FunctionTemplate*. That worked in 
> a different way. Now, when I do mouse over on '*Point*', it is displaying 
> the string I am populating.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PSLiQPCRb1I/WwOX4xdV49I/AAAAAAAAFsE/G3j_Hd1AhdQ6RlW0L0urVEDFpMW4L_MzQCLcBGAs/s1600/Capture.PNG>
> Where as, if *SetClassName()* is not called, it is displayed as 
> anonymous. 
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-R8rnC7ug-a0/WwOX-DvaSKI/AAAAAAAAFsI/Y8eMsL2C5_IYW7RKOStkOUMnThbqdf6PgCLcBGAs/s1600/Capture2.PNG>
> My aim is to change the value being displayed for the variable p, to which 
> I am returning an *ObjectTemplate*. 
> Or, is it that I can use a *FunctionTemplate* to return? In that case, 
> how can I set the handlers? 
> I used the source 
> *https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/samples/process.cc* 
> <https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/samples/process.cc> as a guide. 
> Maybe I am not doing it properly here. The Embedder's guide says:
>> Each function template has an associated object template. This is used to 
>> configure objects created with this function as their constructor.
> But it seems I am using an unrelated *ObjectTemplate* to wrap C++ object. 
> Please correct me if I am wrong. I am inferring that you are using the 
> associated *ObjectTemplate *of the of the *FunctionTemplate *to wrap the 
> C++ object. 
> Also, from *v8.h:*
> /** 
> * Set the class name of the FunctionTemplate. This is used for 
> * printing objects created with the function created from the 
> * FunctionTemplate as its constructor. 
> */ 
> void SetClassName(Local<String> name);
> This also leads me to believe that I am not using the *ObjectTemplate *as 
> intended. 
> regards,
> Anoop R. S.
> On Monday, 21 May 2018 14:03:25 UTC+5:30, ibon wrote:
>> Have you tried setting the class name in the FunctionTemplate ?
>> interface_template->SetClassName( v8::String )
>> This names my objects as expected. I also get [object MyObject] instead 
>> of [object Object] when calling Object's prototype toString.
>> You also might want to name the prototype by setting the GetToStringTag 
>> symbol in the prototype object template.
>> El lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018, 6:40:45 (UTC+2), Anoop R. S. escribió:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I noticed another behaviour. If the callback *SetCallAsFunctionHandler() 
>>> *is implemented for the ObjectTemplate, the value of the object is 
>>> displayed as *f anonymous() *as shown below. 
>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CS_h9_oMPmM/WwJMTnHwc-I/AAAAAAAAFrg/aDVzcqVeqmEsmdi53rFQ1b0YV23r1ainQCLcBGAs/s1600/Capture.PNG>
>>> it seems to be overriding the callbacks 
>>> *NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration* and 
>>> *IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration 
>>> *(with respect to how it is displayed only). 
>>> Is there any way to override this behaviour? 
>>> I tried tracking where it is getting populated as *function, *but ended 
>>> up in *CALL_GENERATED_CODE* called in *Invoke()* in *execution.cc*
>>> regards,
>>> Anoop R. S.
>>> On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 10:05:12 UTC+5:30, Anoop R. S. wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am trying out a debugger prototype using the remote debugger 
>>>> protocol. 
>>>> Going by the standard example in Embedder's Guide:
>>>> C++ class:
>>>> -------------
>>>> class Point {
>>>>  public:
>>>>   Point(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) { }
>>>>   int x_, y_;
>>>> }
>>>> Usage in JavaScript:
>>>> ---------------------------
>>>> var p = Point(1,2);
>>>> Has anyone tried debugging a wrapped C++ object that is being returned 
>>>> to Javascript? Is it possible? 
>>>> regards,
>>>> Anoop R. S.

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