Op dinsdag 14 april 2009 14:03:10 schreef Freek de Kruijf:
> For a friend who lives 50 km away I run a server with openSUSE 11.1.
> To minimize traveling there I have the server running as a VM on a small
> system also running openSUSE 11.1.
> He want to be able, when the physical system breaks down, to resume
> operation immediately with only one day loss of data, which may be
> recovered later. So he has a second system also running its own version of
> the small openSUSE 11.1 system. I did copy the ~/.VirtualBox directory from
> the first small system to the second and also copied the the 3 .vdi files
> making sure they have the same path on the second system as on the first
> system. After that I use the GUI to disable network adapter 1 and enable
> adapter 2.
> The guest on system 1 will have eth0 as the network interface and on system
> 2 eth1. The guest has a different configuration (only IP-address) for eth0
> and eth1. I start the guest on both systems using
> VBoxManage startvm name -type vrdp
> After that both guests run without problems and the one on system 1,
> providing the services, works all day. At the end of the day both guests
> are halted using "VBoxManage controlvm name acpipowerbutton and I use rsync
> to sync the 3 .vdi files.
> Starting the guest on system 2 is done to test things I am not sure will
> work. So on this system I either use "rdesktop -N -k en-us localhost" or
> "ssh root@<ip-address>" ending up on the console of the guest as root.
> The problem is with the update of the software on the guest. I use zypper
> for that. Sometimes immediately, but also after updating a few packages,
> zypper is downloading a package. It is showing the percentage of the
> download, which can be 0% or any other value, the guest system halts in a
> peculiar way. The VirtualBox GUI shows the system running. The rdesktop or
> ssh is still on the screen of the base system, but keyboard action is
> ignored. CPU usage is almost 0; the guest does not seem to use any CPU.
> After that I do an acpipowerbutton or a poweroff in which case the status
> of the guest is changing but the guest remains there doing nothing. I have
> to use the kill command to end the guest. Starting it up again is no
> problem and I sometimes can do a few other updates of a package, but sooner
> or later the guest hangs. When I do an update of the kernel, only
> downloading the package until now (tried it 3 times), it always halts with
> a shown download of 0%.
> Anybody experiencing the same hanging state of the guest?

The solution to the above problem is indeed a change in the hardware emulation 
from PCnet-FAST III to Intel PRO/1000 MT.


Beelaerts ICT Consultancy
Freek de Kruijf    t: +31 79 3420754    e: f.de.kru...@hetnet.nl
a: Beelaertspark 6       2731 AE Benthuizen      The Netherlands

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