Hi Itamar,

> Pra que voce quer fazer isto Bruno ?
(he is asking me why would I want to do this)

To answer it i'll have to explain a little about my network.

Here where i'm working is the central node of a big network.

We are the mailserver for some companys that are connected to us through
leased lines. Some of these links are slow 64K links.

There is a company connected to us using a 64K link that wants the
mailserver for their domain installed directly in their LAN, to speed up
the mail transition and to avoid the internal mail traffic passing through
this link every time a local employee send a message to other local

The problem about moving their mailserver from here (the central node) to
their local network is that they have a big filial in another state that is
also connected to us. When we move their MX box to their LAN, everybody in
the filial will have to pass throught their 64KB link to send and receive
e-mail, thus, consuming their bandwidth again.

So, to avoid this, i want the filial maildirs to stay configured here in
the central node of the network. And the maildirs of the biggest office
will be configured in their own local mailserver.

Could you understand me?


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