Yes.. it does match!
In this installation, the visrtualswitch0 is the public port and
virtualswitch1 is private. They are named exactly same as the virtual
machine configuration..


On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Aaron Peeler <> wrote:

> Hi Kiran,
> Do your vmprofile adapter names virtualswitch0 and virtualswitch1 match the
> adapters listed on your esx server?
> Aaron
> On 4/12/10 3:11 PM, Kiran N wrote:
>> hello Josh,
>> I am facing some what similar issue.I have added a new computer
>> host(virtual
>> machine).
>> I checked the dhcp.conf files, the addressing, etc/hosts file.
>> But on making a reservation, my virtual machine does startup, but its not
>> getting any IP addresses assigned. Its unable to detect any networks
>> created,
>> I have renamed the  .vmdk and -flat.vmdk files according to the naming
>> convention
>> (Note: we are using ESX provisioning and it is a Windows 2003 image).
>> Is there anythin specific you wanted me to check??
>> Thanks,
>> Kiran
>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Josh Thompson<
>> >wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Jeff,
>>> VCL will handle creating the virtual machines on the VMWare host.  It
>>> manages
>>> both the vmdk and vmx files, and then registers/unregisters the virtual
>>> machines as needed.  What it doesn't currently do is automatically create
>>> new
>>> virtual machines in its own database or dynamically assign virtual
>>> machines
>>> to VM hosts.
>>> This is what you should do next time you need to add virtual machines:
>>> * look at the highest MAC address assigned in the computers table
>>> * go to the Add Multiple Computers page, enter the MAC address that would
>>> come
>>> after what you looked up, and enter the rest of the information required
>>> on
>>> that page.
>>> * get the DHCP info and add it to your dhcpd.conf file
>>> * add entries to /etc/hosts for the virtual machines
>>> * go to the Virtual Hosts section of the site and assign the new virtual
>>> machines to VM hosts
>>> After doing that, vcld should be able to provision reservations for the
>>> virtual machines.
>>> Aaron/Andy: correct me if I missed anything.
>>> Josh
>>> On Friday February 19, 2010, Jeffrey Wisman wrote:
>>>> I did use the "Add Multiple" for this, but I didn't put a MAC as we
>>> hadn't
>>>> created virtual machines for these (and thus had no MAC to use).  I
>>> created
>>>> 10 computers using add multiple.
>>>> I plan to create 10 virtual machines on the VMWare host and get their
>>>> MAC
>>>> addresses and add them to the 10 computers in the computer table that
>>> were
>>>> created with add multiple.  From what I understand, this should resolve
>>> it.
>>>> Correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>> To save some time next time, I'd have created the 10 virtual machines
>>>> first, grabbed the first MAC address, and then used the "Add Multiple"
>>> with
>>>> that MAC address.  I'd still have to actually create (or clone) the 10
>>>> virtual machines though.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jeff
>>>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Josh Thompson
>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> On Friday February 19, 2010, Jeffrey Wisman wrote:
>>>>>> Am I misunderstanding, or do I need to create 10 virtual machines to
>>>>> go
>>>> with my 10 "computers" and then assign the mac address from each
>>>>>> virtual machine to each computer?  This doesn't seem especially
>>>>>> scalable, so I
>>>>> hope
>>>>>> I'm misunderstanding and that there is really something else going
>>>>> on.
>>>> Jeff,
>>>>> The "Add Multiple" checkbox on Manage Computers->Edit Computer
>>>>> Information is
>>>>> designed to help with this.  You should only need to enter the
>>>>> information on
>>>>> the "Add Multiple Computers" page that link takes you to one time to
>>>>> generate
>>>>> as many virtual machines as you want.  Make sure you enter the
>>>> start/end
>>>> private IPs and the start MAC (also make sure to select available as
>>>> the
>>>> state as there's currently a bug preventing adding machines directly in
>>>>> the maintenance state).
>>>>> After submitting that page, you will also be able to generate the
>>>>> additional
>>>>> DHCP info for your dhcpd.conf file.  You will need to enter the private
>>>>> IP of
>>>>> your management node to get that file.
>>>>> We have it slated for version 2.4 to dynamically manage the virtual
>>>>> hosts/guests for you.
>>>>> Josh
>>>>> - --
>>>>> - -------------------------------
>>>>> Josh Thompson
>>>>> Systems Programmer
>>>>> Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
>>>>> North Carolina State University
>>>>> 919-515-5323
>>>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>>>>> iD8DBQFLftn6V/LQcNdtPQMRAsdLAJ9U9c3CIiiDN78lVNlyE9m8vCEcUQCfQH8v
>>>>> mcT86d46Nq32IXmz5dJuij4=
>>>>> =EQA0
>>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>> - --
>>> - -------------------------------
>>> Josh Thompson
>>> Systems Programmer
>>> Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
>>> North Carolina State University
>>> 919-515-5323
>>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>>> iD8DBQFLfvFfV/LQcNdtPQMRAl1hAJ9uvh+ZPex679zlR6MV3DqJsfMfqgCeN3wg
>>> F81YtCL/j1kKNthfN4AbTDQ=
>>> =FMsp
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> --
> Aaron Peeler
> Program Manager
> Virtual Computing Lab
> NC State University
> 919-513-4571

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