Thanks Vinay, Aaron for the help!
I tried changing it to 5 and now.. it does recognize the 2 networks( as seen
in VI client) in the correct manner. It shows the public IP address, but no
private IP address.
Also, in the vcld.log, it still shows the message:
2010-04-13 10:23:35|15069|35:35|reload||sshd is NOT active on vcl01 yet
When seen in console in VI client, there is limited or no network
connectivity status..

[PS:attached is the new vcx file]


On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Aaron Peeler <>wrote:

> Yes, change the vmtypeid to 5 and try to load the image again through vcl.
> -A
> On 4/13/10 11:02 AM, Kiran N wrote:
>> It is set to 3 , since as discussed with my co worker Brian Copcea, it
>> says
>> it is ESX provisioning but practically the most of the provisioning scheme
>> is GSX with few added ESX features..Do u suggest me to change it to 5..?
>> I did notice that VCL is generating it differently.. but could not get the
>> probable fix for it since the database entries are right..
>> Thanks,
>> Kiran
>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Aaron Peeler<
>> >wrote:
>>> In your assigned vmprofile. What is your vmtypeid set to?  It should be
>>> set
>>> to id 5 which is 'vmwareESX3'
>>> The vcl generated vmx file is creating EthernetX.vnet instead of
>>> EthernetX.networkName.
>>> Aaron
>>> On 4/13/10 10:25 AM, Kiran N wrote:
>>>> Yes.. its the initial vm created..
>>>> Please find the files are attached with the emal..
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kiran

Kiranmye Nellimarla
Graduate,Computer Science
University of Texas at Dallas
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "4"
memsize = "512"
displayName = "esx3-win2003-v0vcl01"
guestOS = "winnetenterprise"
uuid.location = "56 4d cb e6 ab e0 6a e3-4f 42 4d 04 ec 86 3e a0"
uuid.bios = "56 4d a8 df fb 38 d0 c5-25 73 d4 01 16 06 4e c0"
Ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
Ethernet1.present = "TRUE"
Ethernet0.networkName = "VM_Access"
Ethernet1.networkName = "VCL VM Private Net Access"
ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "false"
ethernet1.wakeOnPcktRcv = "false"
ethernet0.address = "00:50:56:2A:4A:00"
ethernet1.address = "00:50:56:2A:4B:00"
ethernet0.addressType = "static"
ethernet1.addressType = "static"
gui.exitOnCLIHLT = "FALSE"
uuid.action = "keep"
snapshot.disabled = "TRUE"
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
priority.grabbed = "normal"
priority.ungrabbed = "normal"
checkpoint.vmState = ""
scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.sharedBus = "none"
scsi0:0.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
scsi0:0.mode = "independent-nonpersistent"
scsi0:0.redo = "./esx3-win2003-v0.vmdk.REDO_BETcqZ"

extendedConfigFile = "esx3-win2003-v0vcl01.vmxf"
virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"
tools.upgrade.policy = "manual"

tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
sched.swap.derivedName = 
hostCPUID.0 = "0000000168747541444d416369746e65"
guestCPUID.0 = "0000000168747541444d416369746e65"
userCPUID.0 = "0000000168747541444d416369746e65"
hostCPUID.1 = "00040f120002080000002001178bfbff"
guestCPUID.1 = "00040f120000080000002001078bbbff"
userCPUID.1 = "00040f120002080000002001078bbbff"
hostCPUID.80000001 = "00040f12000003530000001febd3fbff"
guestCPUID.80000001 = "00040f120000035300000009ebd3fbff"
userCPUID.80000001 = "00040f120000035300000009ebd3fbff"
evcCompatibilityMode = "FALSE"

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