the beauty of
videoblogging is that it doesnt HAVE to matter  - Steve said
I agree that it doesn't HAVE to matter, but, speaking personally, I feel that great pangs when my qualitative audience diminishes, and exhiliration when it increases.  I have in the past easily been able to ignore the numbers.  But honestly, I could never ever put up a video, if I knew no one would watch it -- that would be an excercise in futility?  And I truly believe that almost everyone would want to have as large an audience as possible, I know I would.  And yes, I've been thinking of different ways on how to achieve that, and trying to figure out the success of other folks out there -- the proverbial grass is always greener on the other side.  And for my two cents, it's not about:  To Be Themed, or Not To Be Themed, it's about having compelling characters, coupled with compelling stories, period. 

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