I'm not sure if there's a way to re-encode Flash; from what's been said in this group, I would assume not. At any rate, it's not easy or obvious to the masses how to do it.

I use the Flash version of Sorenson Squeeze, which cost $99 and the quality is good. You can (as I do) play with your settings to choose the best compromise between file size and quality of encoding, e.g. if you've got a moving subject against a moving background (probably the case with horse training), you'll need a higher video bitrate, but audio might not matter so much if it's not music so you can squeeze that down.

Feel free to look at my site for some examples, unfortunately, I stopped putting up encoding details a while ago, but some of the earlier ones might have that info still. Maybe I'll do some samples at different resolutions... one of these days in my abundant spare time! (Maybe the Sorenson Media site already has something like this.)

Let me know when you've got something up - I love horses! (And if you dig deep enough, you'll find video on my site of my daughter and her horse, when we still had him...)

On 1/23/06, Stan Hirson, Sarah Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am starting a vlog using video that I have taken in the course of making some documentary films. People gave consent for me to use the material on the basis of their trust in me and how I would use it in a film.  Now I am contacting my subjects for permission to release the video on the internet in a vlog.  (I should point out that the subject matter centers on horseback riding and I am dealing with professional trainers and riders who have granted me unusual access to their work. Nothing naughty or embarrassing.)

My QuickTime  files can be downloaded and not only re-edited but can be re-released in unauthorized compilations.  Some of my subjects would not be happy about that.  I would like to reassure them that the videos can be viewed but not altered. And, if possible, that they cannot be re-distributed.

My questions:

Should I switch to Flash?

If I do go to Flash, is there an encoding app that does not cost  several hundreds of dollars?  I am new to vlogging and would like to ease into it as I see how it progresses.

Any ideas?


Stan Hirson


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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