Okay, I'll bite.

The reason our small glimpses into our lives are just as important as
the carnage that is happening in Iraq is because it's all HISTORY.
Five hundred years from now, historians are going to be looking at our
vlogs trying to fathom what life was like during our time. We are
going to be the journals that document ordinary life just like Jane
Austen's writing documented Victorian England.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Shannon Noble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You know,
> sometimes I look at my own expressions and the content of my work,
as well
> as many others here, and think how shallow and meaningless much of
what we
> do is. We put our own meaning on it as it really has none of it's
own. It is
> all enculturated. We make it up for or own selves to get what we
want from
> others. I feel that way when I look at something like this:
> http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/36871/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> and ponder.
> -shannon

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