>  But then the question I would ask is: why does the group freak out
>  twice a week over this topic?  It is needless hyperventilation.  Just
>  insist that third party republishers link rather than copy, then use
>  Referer headers to serve custom content according to the context.  If
>  you really hate MyHeavy, show their users a video about why they suck.
>   If you really can only afford bandwidth for users browsing HTML on
>  your site, block all video requests from outside of your site.  This
>  approach is easier and radically more effective than having a cow.

If youre simply saying people are overeacting...then thats just a
matter of perception.
Yes, the sky isnt falling...let's not get so indignant....but this
company that just got funded for 12.5 million dollars is acting like a
They are stupid.

As a creator, i should not have to worry about all this tech stuff you mention.
Yes, by publishing to the web...i can expect all kinds of fucked up
things to happen to my media.
But not from an industry backed company.
As creators, we should use every chance to help set the tone for how
video hosting.network sites use our media.

I blogged about it here: http://tinyurl.com/y2owdc

Video on the web is a very new thing....
Habits and best practices are forming right now.
I know text bloggers went through all this stuff 5 years ago and have
created a nice ecology.
And you know as well as I do that text bloggers went quiet.


Here I am....

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