...Being a person who lives online and in the theatrical/tvland vortex.
I gotta spill on this one.

Since I started making work online, my time has been designated to making 
those pieces and I haven't had time to apply to festivals and so on. 
However, all of the gallery shows, theaters and festivals that I have had 
the pleasure of taking part in were brought to my attention because curators 
and programmers spotted my work online.

How awesome is that! People push me to make various forms of films from my 
little pieces that are developed here. I would never have been able to meet 
as many folks or have these opportunities - in such a short time - unless it 
were here online. Especially since I work fulltime making other peoples' 
films by day.

My point is that working online as a filmmaker has been incredible in terms 
of inspiration and opportunities...and meeting such a diverse group of 
people. My other point is that the "stiff" upper brow types are looking. 
They do look. And they are starting to acknowledge this form with 
validation. How can they not?!

___s    c    r   a    t    c   h

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