> How green is video-blogging itself?
> Do personal computers and video cameras grow on trees? Or, are they
> made out of petro-chemicals?
> What is the carbon footprint of the equipment used to product a
> videoblog? Does that include the internet infra-structure?
> Where can I buy carbon credits to cover the electricity used in the
> making and distribution of my video blog? What is the
> carbon-unit-per-minute-of-videoblog rate? Could I win a prize on
> "Vlogging for Dollars" to cover it?


* There's a company offering wind-powered web hosting.  We may transition
Greentime to them in the future, depeding on a few things.

* Vloggers can, of course, be choosy with their equipment and buy only
what they need, ensuring low use.

* Many utility companies now offer green electricity for a tiny extra fee
(here it's about $10/month).

* Dell will let you purchase offsets for the computer you buy.

* You can always charge the camera and laptop battery with solar.

...really, all this leaves is the electricity used in bandwidth
generation, and if you can quanitfy it, you could buy an offset.

Oh, and if you covered this, we'd love to mention it or run an excerpt on


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