Ironically, much of the canon of tha A-G film world that is now studied
academically arose from EXACTLY the conditions and ethics that you talk
about in your post, except that the A-G world WAS the backyard screenings on
sheets reacting against the rarified and/or exclusive film and gallery
worlds of the time. Down to the inclusion of lots of diary films and a
wholehearted embracing of the concept of "amateur".

(Well, OK, on the WEST coast it was. Or so I'm told ;-).)

I worry that if vlogging stays primarily a form where people vlog just for
other vloggers and tech folks who are interested in watching it, it won't,
in the long run, thrive. The A-G film world is struggling today partly (imo)
because it stayed in dialog primarily with itself.

Re the "not just art....but personal, newsy, etc etc" - I think some of the
best art around is coming from those very vlogs! But again,. context... on
the big screen, the context change can be serious (and as has been pointed
out, that can be good or bad).


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art

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