I didn't get a chance to see it, I don't have cable but one of the
things I thought odd was that CNN got to choose/filter the videos
before airing. 

Now I'm not necessarily saying that is or is not a bad thing. If CNN
is footing the bill and you want to set a certain tone for the type of
questions that you get it might be reasonable to have this filter.

But it is still a filter/control from an established media company. 
It is still directed "from up high" and a select few are allowed to
ask questions.

On the one hand there is a M$M disrespect of user generated content
unless and until it can be used as a marketing tool or as a way to
look cool. 

Next you lock down the contributions from one web video host and then
you further filter who can access by having it on cable, if your
provider carries CNN, CSPAN or CSPAN2.

Concept-wise, this is not a bad start. I'm just impatient for the next


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought I would take a break from Podtech talk for a minute and ask 
> this.  did anyone see the CNN/YouTube debate last night?  I caught some 
> of it and I had to say, I thought it was good.  I thought most of the 
> questions were good and I thought Cooper did a good job of making sure 
> the canidates answered the questions.
> Maybe we are really finally reaching a tipping point....where canidates 
> will realize that we as a country don't care about democrats or 
> republicans, we want solutions and for our elected officails to start 
> working together to address the very real issues that affect us all...
> Heath
> http://batmangeek.com

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