Yea, I was a bit worried about them being able to select the 
questions but I really thought that the questions were a good cross 
section of questions...


--- In, "Gena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I didn't get a chance to see it, I don't have cable but one of the
> things I thought odd was that CNN got to choose/filter the videos
> before airing. 
> Now I'm not necessarily saying that is or is not a bad thing. If CNN
> is footing the bill and you want to set a certain tone for the type 
> questions that you get it might be reasonable to have this filter.
> But it is still a filter/control from an established media company. 
> It is still directed "from up high" and a select few are allowed to
> ask questions.
> On the one hand there is a M$M disrespect of user generated content
> unless and until it can be used as a marketing tool or as a way to
> look cool. 
> Next you lock down the contributions from one web video host and 
> you further filter who can access by having it on cable, if your
> provider carries CNN, CSPAN or CSPAN2.
> Concept-wise, this is not a bad start. I'm just impatient for the 
> evolution.
> Gena
> --- In, "Heath" <heathparks@> wrote:
> >
> > I thought I would take a break from Podtech talk for a minute and 
> > this.  did anyone see the CNN/YouTube debate last night?  I 
caught some 
> > of it and I had to say, I thought it was good.  I thought most of 
> > questions were good and I thought Cooper did a good job of making 
> > the canidates answered the questions.
> > 
> > Maybe we are really finally reaching a tipping point....where 
> > will realize that we as a country don't care about democrats or 
> > republicans, we want solutions and for our elected officails to 
> > working together to address the very real issues that affect us 
> > 
> > Heath
> >
> >

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