Holy smoke. That was a great breakdown of your time.
But what it made me realise was how little I consume of ANYTHING now.
No telly, and I never go to the movies.

And I realised that not only is our only TV a 14 inch Sony from the  
mid 90s (great picture quality though), but our DVD and VCR have both  
been broken since Christmas.

So currently, using your list, my time looks like this:
TV 0%
Movies 0%
games 0%
virtual worlds 0%
web reading 50%
videoblogs 50%
books 0%

I used to watch at least 2 hours of TV a night, and one or two movies  
a week.

Plus I used to read a book a week (I've read 3 books all year, i  
think - two of those on the plane to and from Pixelodeon!)

I mean... I don't really know what I *do* with myself. Apart from  
Twitter and watch videoblogs.  Do you think I am being abducted by  
aliens for four or five hours every day?


On 4 Aug 2007, at 05:02, Michael Verdi wrote:

We have 3 TV's in our house, cable subscription and 1 DVR.
I watch only about 2 - 3 hours of TV a week depending on what shows
are running - most of them are things on HBO. I have a Netflix
subscription and probably watch 1 - 2 movies a week. Since I got a Wii
for my birthday I've probably added about 3 hours a week of games.
Speaking of games, I'm probably in Second Life about 2 hours a week. I
probably spend about 10 hours a week reading things on the web and
about 2 hours watching videoblogs. And you can also add about 6 hours
of reading books.
So kind of interesting - when you add it up it looks like I spend up
to 30 hours a week consuming media with only really a small percentage
(7%) being videoblogs.
TV 10%
Movies 13%
games 10%
virtual worlds 7%
web reading 33%
videoblogs 7%
books 20%

4 years ago it probably would have looked like this:
TV 30%
Movies 40%
Web 10%
Books 20%

The really big difference is that I spend at least this much time
actively producing media (video, websites, blogs, machinima, etc) each
week where 4 years ago it was probably only 8 - 10hrs a week.

So I'd have to say that since videoblogging my media consumption has
diversified and more importantly (I think) my media production has
gone way up.

- Verdi

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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