>no one is here to hate you Robert. its the holidays.
>(but you have to admit that you just walked into a room of people and
>said, "you guys suck")

Well, if the shoe fits.

I've seen this community beat up on commercial interests in the past.
Including the company I work for and hardly anyone stood up and said stop
(and that is far from the only one beaten up here - heck, when the community
starts beating up on Zadi I know it's just done for). Schlomo is one I'll
always remember sticking up for me and he has my undying respect because of
that. How many of you said "stop it" when this latest blog post came out
beating up on Zadi's show? I can look at all the comments to see how many of
the 2,000 who are hanging out here. Not many. About the same number who
stood up when the target was me or PodTech. Despite PodTech investing
hundreds of thousands of dollars in this community. Tonight it's not about
PodTech, but Zadi has invested tons of hours in this community and has
evangelized it on many a stage that I've witnessed. So, where are the ones
who stood up for her today? Not many.

A community becomes how it treats its leaders. This one isn't well.

>what potential should we have?

I don't know anymore. I find that I'm doing less and less "videoblogging"
and more and more video streaming. http://www.qik.com <http://www.qik.com/>
and http://www.mogulus.com <http://www.mogulus.com/>  is totally changing
how I think video on the Internet will be done. This community used to be
fun. But the fun is happening over on Seesmic where they taunt newcomers to
dance. Not sure how a community changes its stripes once it's given up that
high ground.


Sorry for being a killjoy on this weekend before Christmas, but this
community needs to do better if it wants to grow. Me? I'll be over dancing
on Seesmic and hanging out on Twitter.


Robert Scoble

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