
I did read your post on this the other day.  You summed up the state 
of the studio pretty well.

I believe the nail in their coffin will be the new media buyers 
taking over the status-quo positions.  Part of my job is to research 
new opportunites for new media buys.  Once the old regime is out, 
the studios are going to have to move quickly (pretty much a oxy-
moron), and I don't have a lot of faith in post-roll / pre-roll, or 
even the new google/youtube ad models.  I think the statics speak 
for themselves.

Just me two lindens.

--- In, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >  Just the other day I posted what I would consider a pretty 
> >  topic about the changing industry, mentioned I had been working 
on a
> >  hypothesis for quite some time and then asked for thoughts but 
> >  get a single response here. It wound up on Techmeme with links 
> >  Mashable, Newteevee, The Hollywood Writers Guild blog and I got
> >  contacted by some striking writers and got offered a panel 
> >  but not a single comment on this list, even after asking. I 
guess its
> >  just not interesting or exciting to most people anymore.
> This is the blog post that Andrew posted:
> There are classic insights like, "While the rest of the world is
> blooming online, TV has no new content to offer right now."
> I read it, and was like "duh".
> we've been discussing why TV sucks since the beginning. its a 
> conclusion. in 2004 people used to say we were cranks for these
> opinions.
> It was awesome that you wrote a concise essay about why TV studios
> will die, but did you think this was breaking news to anyone here?
> I'm so fucking glad that TV writers are realizing that the cages 
> wide open now!
> Id rather talk about how Rocketboom's format is the most widely 
> format for online video shows these days.
> that's influence.
> I get confused how folks diss this specific small email list...and
> touts the numbers and importance of Techmeme, Techcrunch, 
Newteevee or
> other websites. they certainly are cool...but are any of these
> communities in the comments more gracious or insightful?
> So please dont make people feel shitty because they dont happen to
> love your one post every 10 months.
> As on any list, the people who regularly participate in a community
> usually get the most response.
> >  I am still grateful for this list, especially for how much 
support I
> >  have gotten in the past and I think I have given alot as well. 
> >  kinda of like a family which you love unconditionally even when 
> >  disagree and get upset, so Ill stick around.
> yep...its all good Andrew.
> as much as we used to fight in the beginning, I love how stubborn 
> protective you've been of your own video work.
> you are doing your thing hard and its great(
> Hiring Kenyatta brought a new spirit to the show.
> As Kent said, it's really about what we each do and make in our
> videoblogs that mean anything. this is what lasts.
> I see nothing but people doing on this list:
> Check out all the links: please add yourself if you want.
> We're really such a small, intimate group.
> I always wanted to see videoblogging as valid communication model 
> express and archive ourselves.
> 50 years from now is when time will tell.
> I'm a bloggers in it for the long haul. Im not trying to be the 
> popular on the latest service worried about how many friends I 
> When I have a philosophical question about morality AND a question 
> compliance with the latest HTML5 document....I come here.
> This group is completely chaotic and uncommercial.
> we never wanted to be the place to discuss the latest business 
> we have no motive but to help new people start and understand how 
> videoblog...and how to share our experience to push ourselves to 
> better work. We try to critique each other in a way different from
> youtube where critique is "suck my dick you bitch ill shit down 
> throat asshole you homo you suck my dick too (please)".
> I'm always interested in communities  and would love links to other
> places where people are supporting each other around online video.
> newteevee comments? techcrunch? youtube? NIng group? seriously, 
> me a link to check out.
> I hope and want to see more places where people can really be
> themselves and not fight to be loved and respected.
> You come here and its done.
> We want to see you videoblog as long as you're willing to be honest
> with yourself.
> I see much of the conversations among the old videoblogging heads 
> on twitter and chat.
> This Yahoo mailing list has threatened to end so many times that 
> actually surprised it's still here with the blowups that happen 
> six months.
> As we said in the old days: if you think we're dumb, go start your 
own list!
> Its like the American dollar, we all just got to stop using it.
> The world wont end. we'll just need to find another way to do the 
same thing.
> Ill still be here in 50 years. We can show each other videos of our
> grandkids mooning us from the actual moon.
> Jay
> -- 
> 917 371 6790
> Video:
> Twitter:
> Photos:
> RSS:

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