> A lawyer who is an expert in copyright law and online free speech has
>  offered to represent me pro bono! And it all happened because I
>  started talking about on this list and Irina forwarded it to Jason
>  Schultz at LawGeek who is now representing me. I can't thank everybody
>  enough. File this one as an instance of the community standing up for
>  somebody.

that's awesome.
I would love to set some precedent for quoting video.
as I said before, it's an accepted practice to quote text from
someone's blog and make comment on it.
this is called conversation/critique.
When a videoblogger quotes video from someone's blog and makes comment
on it, there's a big chance it's called infringement.

I know its a hazy issue, but be great to start defining.
if not, we're just going to have all these separate videos on youtube
with no interaction between them.
its just TV again with lots of different channels.


917 371 6790
Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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