Actually this was one of the more civil discussions I've seen here in recent
months, although hilariously cynical and sarcastic at points.  Enjoyed
reading it.  Some good points all around, I learned a couple things to boot,
and was confused thoroughly by others.  Like, do these river-dwelling
unicorns have gills?  What governing agency regulates the flow of chocolate?

On Jan 18, 2008 8:17 PM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In, "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Arguments of quality and price are not the whole of the argument.
> > There's environmental impact, fair treatment of labor and a whole lot
> > of other factors that I don't feel an unregulated free market would
> > adequately address.
> >
> > But I'm tired of this discussion, so have fun dreaming your little
> > dreamy dreams of an anarchy that somehow doesn't end up looking like
> > the second Mad Max movie...
> >
> > Chris
> Actually, I rescind that last little dig. I'm sick of the vitriol, on
> my end as well as on yours. I apologize for any language in my
> arguments that was unnecessarily incendiary.
> I don't agree with you, but I don't bear you any personal ill will.
> Okay, NOW I'm out of the thread. ;)
> No hard feelings,
> Chris
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Adam Quirk
Wreck & Salvage
Brooklyn, NY

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