On Jan 18, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

> There are probably fewer than five people on this list that would  
> find any
> value in the old-school ARPANET the government gave us decades ago.

btw, who are the other four?  Hey, Mr RichardShow, are you one?

our particular kind of value back then was using the ARPANET to  
connect from UCSB to Moffet Field where we were teaching *long*  
division to one of the first parallel processing computers (the  
ILLIAC IV, 128 parallel CPU's, fun with FORTRAN).

at night we used it to play the game RISK using the net.  my  
housemate Bert was a master.  He'd hack the code to change the land  
masses mid-game and lock up your navy in a big inland sea.

wish we had video back then

please pardon the acid flashback :)

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