I know that feeling, Irina. At this point, I'm pretty much the
spokesperson for public transit in L.A.

The project I just started is out in Reseda (I'm in North Hollywood),
which means a 45 minute bus ride and 20 minutes of walking there, and
the same back.

Thankfully, my actors this time have proven very reliable and
committed. Which has very much helped me put the other day's BS behind me.

My actors are working for free, tackling embarrassing subject matter,
getting through my dialogue - which is sometimes tough and always
abundant - and trying, God bless them, to get through 15 episodes'
worth of material in one go.

So I can't complain at the moment.

Sound is an issue... not only does the house I'm shooting in sudden;y
have a ton of construction going on in the neighborhood around it, it
turns out that if you flush the bathroom in this house, it gives off a
high-pitched hum that - no matter how many doors you close - the
microphone WILL pick up.

But hey! It's a borrowed location, from a person through craigslist,
and I am damn thankful to have it.

Between the hum, the hammering and my dodgy lighting and camera
skills, we'll see what kind of crazy-ass mess I end up with. ;)

If the quality of the writing and the acting outshine the myriad
budgetary and technical issues I'm up against, this might end up being
something people actually want to see.

Cross your fingers for me, everybody.  :)


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yep, i have to wrangle myself by asking for rides
> since i know that when there's a car outside i most likely will get
in it
> and get to the place
> i'm supposed to go
> i ask eddie to pick me up, etc.
> AND then i i'm in the right place to do the often retardedly captivating
> "magic" that i do on camera
> http://geekentertainment.tv
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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