--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Kathryn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> whom I didn't either know personally or for whom I have not sought  
> out a dependable reference, no matter how "captivating" their  
> qualities......

Frankly, I don't have the kind of time right now for that level of
vetting. Nor the staff. There are future projects, more substantial
projects, where I would happily allocate the time and energy to do
that. However, we're not talking about "Das Boot" here; we're talking
about a little doodad that I wanted to make my Semanal project. 

> send a message to your staff and crew  and audience that the creative  
> arena you choose to work in is defined by "captivating"  
> personalities, rather than true work ethic and vision.

I AM my staff. I AM my crew. And the handful of loose change in my
pocket is my budget.

You seem to be arguing that a performer's charisma doesn't count, but
I can't agree. When it comes to drawing in an audience, especially
when you only have a few minutes to do so, charisma can count in a big

> (how can you expect any better from an actor who is sent the message  
> over and over again that their value lies in their "captivating"  
> qualities, rather than in what they can bring to the table creatively  
> and intellectually?)

I can and DO expect common courtesy and honesty from everyone I meet.
I'm nutty that way.

> there.  There are a bevy of committed, talented, passionate  actors  
> who would be amazing assets to the projects that you put so much of  
> your heart and soul into..but to find them you might have to  
> sacrifice a few "qualities".

Kathryn, I respect your observations, but my experience here in L.A.
is that paycheck trumps passion a good deal of the time. Not always,
of course... most of the performers in my upcoming project have shown
an amount of enthusiasm that has pleasantly surprised me.

They are not all each other's equal as far as talent and commitment,
but I would certainly be shocked if any one of them brought the whole
production to a screeching halt two lines into the first scene, as
this actress did yesterday.

Anyway, I concede you make good points but they don't all necessarily
apply to my particular situation.

But hey, prove me wrong. Draw me a map to this bevy of selfless show
folk and I'll happily put them to work. :)


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