Thanks for the link.  So interesting.  I'm glad they were able to
avoid detention.

--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Last week, eight American citizens were detained in Beijing for  
> participating in pro-Tibetan sovereignty protests near the site of  
> the 2008 Olympics, with Students for a Free Tibet. Two videobloggers  
> who documented those protest and guerrilla art installations evaded  
> detention, and spoke to Boing Boing TV on Friday Beijing time about  
> why they were there, what they witnessed, and why it mattered.
> "Jay Dedman and Ryanne Hodson of spoke to us over  
> Skype from a hostel in Beijing. One of the actions they documented in  
> photo and video was the hanging of an "LED throwies" light banner,  
> below, which read "FREE TIBET." We agreed to hold this Boing Boing tv  
> episode until after we received word that they'd safely left the  
> country. They have returned home, so I am posting the piece today."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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