I love the vlogwall.  And not just because it's a wall of me.

On 11-Dec-08, at 9:56 AM, @sull wrote:

back when i was playing with the showinabox people, one of my
propositions was to utilize your wordpress rss feed (or other xml
flavor) using the simplepie wordpress plugin (parser) and then build
templates however you want and inject whatever data from the feed that
you want. this was an alternative to staying within the confines of
the wordpress theming engine.

an example of this is located here: http://videobloggers.org/vlogwall/
although this is not using the wordpress feed, instead using a  
mefeedia feed.

the nice thing about it is that you can leave your blog as is and have
an alternative presentation of your content made available to

i also like just uisng the flash player + playlisting approach with
some javascript api usage to handle contextual content and comments


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:43 AM, J. N. P. <zen...@art.com.pt> wrote:
 > Hi!
 > I had a project last year that actually didn't went forward enough to
 > go public, but i had started building the concept and tried the geeky
 > details of it.
 > What i ended up doing was:
 > 1) The wordpress was used to create the content with the categories
 > and tags and from that i extracted various things:
 > 1.1) (video) RSS per categorie;
 > 1.2) archives with the videos on it just as wordpress show content
 > by categories;
 > 1.3) the wordpress view of things is the second way of watch/search
 > the content (very blog like always)
 > 2) But i took the various RSS and with those i created a first page
 > that is actually the Jeroen FLV player (
 > http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Media_Player
 > ), because that playes is very flexible and is capable of being feed
 > with our RSS wordpress... I think you can build a nice TV like that.
 > In alternative you could just use the play lists from blip and use  
 > blip player, but doing it the other way you can integrate the flash
 > player in such a way that when you are playing a particular video you
 > end up with that wordpress post/article also showing up somewhere  
in a
 > frame, so that you can still have comments and such.
 > This concept is nothing new and unfortunately i never build it up
 > completely to test it further but i hope some day i will have a new
 > project to build and test it further and hopefully add more to this
 > conversation theme.
 > thats my 2 cents of Euro. ;)
 > Rgds,
 > ZN
 > On Dec 11, 2008, at 17:20 , Jay dedman wrote:
 >> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Rupert <rup...@fatgirlinohio.org>
 >> wrote:
 >>> One of the options I'm considering is still using my WP backend,  
 >>> having a front page which was big image map with various hotspots
 >>> leading to different videos, categories & pages - either a picture
 >>> that I could either draw & scan & make amendments to, or a collage
 >>> I'd make in Illustrator/Photoshop.
 >>> I've made some sites for clients like this - eg http://
 >>> www.sydneyraewhite.com - it'd be like a manual version of your drag
 >>> & drop desktop idea, Jay.
 >> im looking forward t what people come up with.
 >> http://www.vbs.tv/ is another example of making the page looks
 >> interesting.
 >> (though i hate the autoload video).
 >> the whole background image is part of the actual function of the  
 >> Jay
 >> --
 >> http://jaydedman.com
 >> 917 371 6790

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