Cool. I think then the macbook pro  will be a sweet treat  as long as my  G5
will hold out. Having the 2 would be good  - to speed up Quicktime

Oh, what size should I get. I have a 17 inch PC laptop. It¹s pretty big and
heavy and though I love the screen size, portability is lost. So many

I used to have good luck with Lacie harddrives ­ but I just got a 1
Terrabyte Porsche on sale really cheap at Futureshop and it has caused my
Mac to crash on numerous occasions. I think it blew something ­ it¹s acting
weird. I tried to run Onyx and it said I need to repair the start up disc. I
don¹t know how to do that, so need to call someone in because I have enough
stuff to learn and that kind of stuff  scares me. I am now thinking of
upgrading to Leopard. Does that make sense. Or do I have to repair the disk

Argh. I only like computers when they work ;)

Oh, and thanks for your reply. Will check newegg.


I use a MacBook Pro for all of my editing. But I'll soon be upgrading
to a MacPro tower. My MBP is a couple of years old but still reliably
handles Final Cut Pro and my HD footage. It's not the fastest of the
bunch, but it does its job. A brand new MBP should be fine, so long as
you don't need to do much rendering or effects work. You can only
upgrade the RAM so much on the laptops, they eventually fizzle out in
terms of abilities to tackle HD, etc. after a couple years and there's
no upgrade path for them.

The G5 should actually be enough, provided you have some good RAM in
there, for HD needs. I don't recommend any heavy duty editing on a
laptop because, like me, you'll get tied into so many external drives
and devices that being mobile is the furthest thing from your mind. :)

I've had good luck with Lacie external drives -- knock on wood. I have
four so far and they are all running great. Price and performance
tends to be good for them. There are some other more expensive models
that have more solid track records. Check out and list
models by rating and read some customer reviews. Good luck!



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