Welcome!  Great to have your enthusiasm and energy.
You've got a good setup there.  Do you watch Epic Fu and Rocketboom?  
The pacing and timing is good - the only thing I could add is that you  
could add a bit more whizz bang energy when you switch between  
sections, and maybe give a taste of what you're going to cover up front.


On 31-Oct-09, at 3:41 AM, Kirstin wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to introduce myself because I'm just joining the list. Many  
> of your names are familiar, though, and I'm so excited to be here.
> I bought Secrets of Videoblogging right when it came out but it took  
> me until this year to get up enough courage to actually start my  
> vlog. (Yup, that means I sat on my hands for three years--pretty  
> crazy.) In any case, I've been posting videos regularly for the last  
> four months or so and it's great to be joining a community of other  
> vloggers.
> Any feedback on my vlog and site are much appreciated. It's 
> at:http://youdigest.com 
> . I definitely have technical issues to work out, and I'm hoping to  
> migrate it to digest.tv soon to strengthen the branding. I really  
> would be grateful for thoughts, ideas, and criticism.
> Thanks and it's a pleasure to meet you all!
> Kirstin

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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