Thanks Renat and Dave, your comments are very helpful. I had no idea the audio 
was so bad--that was probably willful ignorance on my part, but I certainly 
want to address it. I actually started out with a lav mike but found it was 
actually worse (if you can believe it, it sounded like I was at the end of a 
really long tunnel).

I think many of the production quality things--graphics, sound, etc.--are 
contingent on my being able to put a bit more cash into the site, but it's good 
to know where to start. 

In terms of my energy: recently I went back and watched the first episode of 
WineLibraryTV and compared it to a more recent ep, and was pretty blown away by 
how much the presentation had evolved. I'm hoping that as I get more 
comfortable I'll naturally get looser, more spontaneous, etc. Or speaking of 
wine, perhaps I should drink a few glasses before filming :)

I really appreciate your comments and hopefully I'll be able to reflect them 

Many thanks!

--- In, David Jones <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:36 AM, pageflex2001 <innom...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Welcome to the gang Kristin!
> >
> > I am going to give constructive criticism;
> >
> > 1. Site layout gets 4 stars. Why? Though the interface is clean and direct, 
> > the nav buttons below the video are not consistent/on par with the rest of 
> > site's buttons.
> >
> > 2. Presentation's content is interesting but lacks energy and spontaneity 
> > (acting skills?).
> >
> > 3. Audio is terrible. Consider getting rid of the echo your first priority. 
> > It makes you sound very unprofessional. Suggestion; clip-on lavaier 
> > directional mike.
> >
> > 4. Video graphics and story inbetweeners need more innovation and pizzaz. 
> > Consider hiring an innovative artistic video FX artist to create the shell 
> > of your show. You can learn to do it yourself but it will take time.
> >
> > 5. Why use Vimeo for video hosting? Youtube has smartened up in video 
> > quality and even offering HD, plus the visitor-base with youtube is way 
> > higher than with vimeo.
> >
> > 6. "More episodes" link leads to a page that has no TV box around the 
> > latest video and the eye is confused where the latest episodes are, wanting 
> > to find the below that video but then noticing the iPhone. To tell you the 
> > truth I thought it was an ad, like in Pandora. You should use the TV box as 
> > your user interface and perhaps use the right side, where the TV dials are 
> > - right below them, for inclusion of "More episodes" thumbnails.
> >
> > Over the years of videoblogging this is what I learnt;
> > The show to be success must have a host that is charming with great acting 
> > skills, smart and spontaneous, happy-go-round type with his own original 
> > style. All that without great zesty content is nothing to make this work, 
> > and it must be consistent in every episode. Audio must be pristine, I am 
> > not even taking about the video... And of course the show must have a very 
> > good video editor/FX artist that is not afraid to innovate. The site of the 
> > show must be designed in a user-friendly and themed approach to make it 
> > memorable to the end-user. It must contain only the things that are 
> > functional and useful, hiring a talented graphic designer/wp theme guru is 
> > a must.
> > I hope this helps
> >
> > Renat Zarbailov
> > I N N O M I N D. O R G
> >
> > --- In, "Kirstin" <kirstinbutler@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi everyone,
> > >
> > > I wanted to introduce myself because I'm just joining the list. Many of 
> > > your names are familiar, though, and I'm so excited to be here.
> > >
> > > I bought Secrets of Videoblogging right when it came out but it took me 
> > > until this year to get up enough courage to actually start my vlog. (Yup, 
> > > that means I sat on my hands for three years--pretty crazy.) In any case, 
> > > I've been posting videos regularly for the last four months or so and 
> > > it's great to be joining a community of other vloggers.
> > >
> > > Any feedback on my vlog and site are much appreciated. It's at: 
> > > I definitely have technical issues to work out, and 
> > > I'm hoping to migrate it to soon to strengthen the branding. I 
> > > really would be grateful for thoughts, ideas, and criticism.
> > >
> > > Thanks and it's a pleasure to meet you all!
> > >
> > > Kirstin
> I concur with Renat, audio should be your #1 priority. You can clearly
> hear the DV tape noise, it's awful.
> I had this on my blog and got so many complaints that I went and got
> an old crappier SD DV camcorder that had an external mic connection
> and I used a cheap $30 shotgun mic and have never looked back.
> I happily sacrificed video quality for audio, audio was that important.
> Your blog page presentation is very professional and first rate, so
> don't touch that.
> I agree, being on YouTube is important, that is a huge audience you
> are missing out on. At least a quarter of my audience subscribe to me
> directly via YouTube, and many people find me via YouTube searches for
> certain keywords.
> Have you thought about Podcasting on iTunes?, about 25% of my viewers
> watch a smaller 320x240 podcast on their iPhone/iTouch/iPod etc.
> I also agree, more energy and spontaneity is needed. My blog for
> instance is unscripted, but that's definitely not for everyone!
> Dave

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