Jobs cant really say much about VP8 until oogle make an official announcement 
about it can he? When that time comes, I predict the main argument will be 
along the lines of lack of VP8 hardware decoding.

As for Quicktime,if we care about open standards then thank god Quicktime 
multimedia development hasnt gone anywhere, or we'd still be trapped in the 
2004 battle between Apple & Microsoft for codec/plugin dominance.

HTML5 is the best hope on that front, regardless of which codec is used for the 
video & audio. There are already some basic tools in Adobe CS5 to enable some 
limited sorts of flash stuff to be turned into HTML5, and within a few years 
this stuff should explode in a  vendor-neutral way, leaving the video codec as 
the only issue. So clearly I disagree that Apple are the biggest offender when 
it comes to 'dumb video blackbox' stuff.

As for FUD, lets be honest, there is plenty of FUD about H.264 too. There are 
legit issues for the future but its pretty telling that people who are against 
H.264 took little comfort when the H.264 patent-pool managers pushed back any 
woe for years.



--- In, Rupert Howe <rup...@...> wrote:
> In all Job's attacks on Flash, he didn't really talk about the  
> technical limitations of Flash video for animation/interactivity/media  
> synchronization - which is telling, since Apple systematically ignored  
> Quicktime development & interactive Quicktime for years - and have  
> basically just chopped Quicktime off at the knees.  For 10 years  
> Quicktime has been able to handle things that Flash still can't do.
> If Jobs had made interactive Quicktime & Interactive Quicktime  
> development a priority 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago when video  
> was obviously about to happen in a big way, he might have avoided the  
> explosion in Flash video and the problems he's getting now, so he's  
> made his own bed AFAIC.
> And now come a bit late to the party to push a 3rd party patented  
> codec that's not a great deal more useful than Flash, and dependent on  
> HTML5 or Apps for interactivity.
> The ignoring and lack of development of Quicktime, one of their most  
> powerful technologies, is the biggest of the growing number of things  
> that (as a longtime Mac user) are making me dislike Apple more & more.
> On another list, Adrian Miles talked about his "frustration at  
> industry 'innovators' wanting to treat video as a dumb object and  
> devices for playback as blackboxes".  Apple is the biggest culprit in  
> this.
> Re the theora patent pool thing - as Verdi noted, it's the usual  
> patent Fear Uncertainty & Doubt, with absolutely no idea of whether  
> there's any substance that would allow an action to be brought, let  
> alone won.  It's the passive voice that I noticed - it's the present  
> continuous tense - *is being* rather than *has been* or *was being* -  
> - so it's something that's still underway, and presumably - since  
> theora is not new - has been going on for a while.
> And I find it quite telling that VP8 hasn't featured in Job's letter  
> or response.  I hate the expression "elephant in the room" but really,  
> the fact that he can't even bring himself to mention it says to me  
> that  it undermines his argument about H.264 v Flash, even though I  
> agree with most of his points about Flash.
> Rupert
> On 2 May 2010, at 08:15, Joly MacFie wrote:
> > A fair point is made in the comments in that article, that it isn't
> > worth the patent trolls time and money unless someone deep-pocketed
> > like Apple gets involved, but then they coud well come out of the
> > woodwork.
> >
> > Another comment does, however, note his use of the passive tense to
> > describe this process.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 12:56 AM, tom_a_sparks <tom_a_spa...@... 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, Michael Verdi <michael@>  
> > wrote:
> > >>
> > >> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Joly MacFie <joly@> wrote:
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >> > I also noted Jobs recent statement that Theora is not free of
> > >> > potential encumbrance.
> > >> >
> > >
> > > the same comments were give about vorbis, where are the court cases?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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